Cranwell Primary School

Curriculum Intent Statement

The aim of Cranwell Primary School is to provide opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident, successful learners with high aspirations who know how to make a positive contribution in their local community and the wider society.  There is a high focus on developing children’s moral, spiritual, social and cultural understanding.

Our school aims to provide outstanding opportunities for our children across the curriculum and to promote and uphold the school motto: Courage, Perseverance and Success.

We aim for all learners to enjoy their education and make the most that our large and welcoming school can offer through its rich and broad curriculum.  All children are challenged to persevere with courage to achieve success.  Personalised learning inspires confidence, character and self-belief enabling every child to identify their strengths; motivating them to become independent and resilient learners who are ready to take their next steps on their life journey. 

The school’s focus on curriculum development has been carefully designed to ensure coverage and progression.  It provides pupils with memorable experiences, in addition to diverse and rich opportunities from which children can learn and develop a range of transferable skills.  Our community is frequently used as a starting point for engaging interest.  We strive to encourage individual development; harnessing creativity and curiosity.  Our school is at the heart of the community, where there is a high percentage of service children, and consequently, high mobility.  

Our curriculum has been designed in discussion with the children through the School Council (Cranwell Voice), all teaching staff, senior leaders and the governors.  The curriculum design ensures that the needs of individual and small groups of children can be met within the environment of high quality first wave teaching, supported by targeted, proven interventions where appropriate.  Subject Leaders have ensured our curriculum is planned to ensure progression of knowledge and skills across the academic year and through the key stages in a cross curricular manner.  We encourage flexibility in our curriculum to maximise opportunities that reflect current affairs happening around the world.   High quality visits, experiences and visitors further enhance the curriculum and children’s awareness of their local community and the wider world.  Enjoyment promotes achievement, confidence and good behaviour.  In this way it can be seen to impact in a very positive way on pupil outcomes. 

Individual meetings are provided for pupils and parents to celebrate their successes, discuss their learning and what they need to do to make further progress.  These meetings provide the opportunity for children to take ownership over their own learning, persevere and to celebrate their success. 

Differentiation and flexibility are key within our curriculum to ensure that all pupils are included.  There is a high expectation that pupils with additional needs progress to meet their full potential.  They are given targeted support to foster resilience to develop skills, tailoring their learning in a style that best suits their individual needs.  A bespoke semi-formal curriculum may be accessed if appropriate and reasonable adjustments are made accordingly.

Our enthusiastic PE Coordinators and the pupils of the Sports Crew, provide a wealth of opportunities for our children to participate in a variety of sport at all levels within the school and the wider community. To promote physical health and wellbeing, a range of extra-curricular clubs gives learners an opportunity to access a variety of sport clubs. 

We provide children with opportunities to discuss and learn about personal health, wellbeing, safety, relationships (age-appropriate), differences and aspirations.   Our work on diversity helps our children to realise that everyone is special and unique and that families come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes and we should celebrate our differences.

Our curriculum covers all of the National Curriculum providing the children with a breadth of learning opportunities.


Our Curriculum Overviews

Details of the current cycle are sent home at the beginning of each term.

Our school works on a two year cycle (A & B)

English Curriculum

Guided Reading

Cycle A           Cycle B

Class Book Spines

Year 1    Year 2    Year 3    Year 4    Year 5    Year 6

Writing Curriculum

EYFS                             Cycle A/B

Year 1/2           Cycle A           Cycle B

Year 3/4           Cycle A           Cycle B 

Year 5/6           Cycle A           Cycle B

Maths Curriculum

Year Group

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3


Number Addition and Subtraction

Number Place Value within 10

Geometry Shape


Place Value within 20

Number Addition and Subtraction

Measurement Length and Height

Measurement Mass and Volume

Number Place Value within 100

Number Multiplication and Division

Number Fractions

Measurement and Money

Measurement and Time

Geometry Position and Direction 


Number and Place Value

Number Addition and Subtraction

Geometry Shape

Number Multiplication and Division

Measurement and Money

Measurement Length and Height

Measurement Mass Capacity and Temperature

Number and Fractions

Measurement and Time

Geometry Position and Direction



Addition and Subraction

Multiplication and Division

Place Value

Multiplication and Division


Measure Length and Perimeter

Measure Mass and Capacity


Geometry and Shape

Measure and Money




Addition and Subtraction

Multiplication and Division

Place Value

Measure and Area

 Multiplication and Division


Fractions and Decimals

Measure Length and Perimeter


Measure and Money

Measure and Time

Geometry Shape

Geometry Position and Direction



 Addition and Subtraction

Place Value

Multiplication and Division


Multiplication and Division



Measure Area and Perimeter


 Number including Negative Numbers


Measures Converting Units and Volume

Geometry Shape

Geometry Position and Direction


 Place Value

Four Operations


Measure Converting Units



Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

Measure Area, Perimeter and Volume



 Geometry Shape

Geometry Position and Direction




Term 1       Term 2       Term 3       Term 4       Term 5       Term 6

Curriculum Years 1 to 6



Curriculum Map


Cycle A

Cycle B

Cycle A

Cycle B


Cycle A

Cycle B

Cycle A

Cycle B


Cycle A

Cycle B

Cycle A

Cycle B

Physical Education

Cycle A/B

Cycle A/B


Cycle A

Cycle B

Cycle A

Cycle B


Cycle A

Cycle B

Cycle A

Cycle B

Art & Design

Cycle A

Cycle B

Cycle A

Cycle B

Design & Technology

Cycle A

Cycle B

Cycle A

Cycle B

Languages (KS2 only)

Cycle A

Cycle B

Cycle A

Cycle B


Cycle A

Cycle B

Cycle A

Cycle B

Religious Education

Cycle A

Cycle B

Cycle A

Cycle B

We adapt the curriculum for different mixed classes as appropriate.

Our Music Development Plan

For more information on the curriculum at Cranwell please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Fiona Birchenall

Email :

Phone 01400 659001


The school has developed a rich and broad curriculum that links subjects together in order to make learning interesting. The curriculum includes many opportunities for pupils to learn to sing, play musical instruments and experiment with the Arts, whilst maintaining outstanding attainment in English and Mathematics. A wide range of visits and visitors enriches the curriculum and helps to make topics interesting.