Cranwell Primary School is committed to safeguarding the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

Safeguarding Policies:

Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy

Online Safety and Acceptable Use of Technology Policy

Data Protection Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Whistleblowing Policy

Child on Child Abuse Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education 

The Prevent Duty

 Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (Click here)

Operation Encompass

We are an Operation Encompass School, part of a national scheme which runs jointly between all schools and the police.

Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools, prior to the start of the next school day, when a child or young person has experienced, any domestic abuse.

Operation Encompass will ensure that a member of the school's staff – the Designated Safeguarding Lead, is trained to allow them to liaise with the police and to use the information that has been shared, in confidence, while ensuring that the school is able to make provision for possible difficulties experienced by children, or their families, who have recently experienced a domestic abuse incident.

We are keen to offer the best support possible to all our pupils and we believe this will be extremely beneficial for all those involved.


Other Policies:

Admissions Policy 2024-25

Admissions Policy 2025-26

Admissions Policy 2026-27

Times of the School Day

Anti-Bullying Policy

Anti-Radicalisation Policy

Assessment Policy (Including Marking & Feedback)

Attendance Policy

Behaviour and Discipline Policy (Including Suspensions and Exclusions)

Schools Financial Benchmarking Service

Charging and Remissions Policy

Concerns/Complaints by Parents Policy

Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints

Confidentiality Policy

Confidentiality Policy for Volunteers

Equality Statement

Equality Objectives 2024-27

Early Years Foundation Stage Policy

Homework Policy

Looked after Child Policy

PSHE & Relationship and Sex Education RSE Policy

Remote Learning Policy

School Food Policy

School Uniform Policy

Special Needs Policy

Disability and Accessibility Plan

Accessibility Plan

Administering Medicines Policy 

Supporting Children with Medical Needs Policy

External Visitors’ Policy and Visiting Speakers Agreement

Please note, temporary amendments to procedures within school may be adjusted dependent on National/Local Government Guidance.